Saturday, February 25, 2012

i killed 6 last night....

OMG,,,, did i really do that,,,, what  was actually happening,,,,, when i got back from my class last night there were 2 of them showing their faces n flying around,,,,, then i took my buddy to let them know my power n as d owner of this house!!!! whoa,,, then came out another 2,,,, whoa,,then another 2!!!, i can't stand anymore,,, i declared that moment that i will fight till the end,,,, the war had begun,,,,,,, and its proven ;; the winner is me,,,, all of them were lost in the battle of ours,,,,, but today i feel so sad,,, am i the killer???? OMG... really thinking about this now......

losing the battle

nampak la i tak sapu sampah,,, ces,,,

in the toilet n d battle continued

nex location in d kitchen,,,,,

there u go,,,,,,
nak wat research pasai ni la,,,,,
umah i mmg selalu cam sunyi gitu,,,,kalu husband x dak , i blik kg,,, so ghupe2nye depa ni bermaharajalela,,,,
harap kengkawan dia yg lain amik iktibar,,,,,, beware of me.....

thanks to my buddy

Friday, February 24, 2012

proses menghias pentas...

bila tgk ja nama aku jd leader terus bdebar,,,, cam na nih,,, salah orang ka depa nih,,,, but as teacher ok maaa no prob,, this is something new,,, bes pa leh test power , leh blajar cam na nak hias pentas dr cikgu azmi,,,, mmg expert dia nih,,,,,  jom tgk cam na proses bermula,,, dr masuk hutan ke gojes stage,,, che wah,,,,,

cik normm

putra azmi...

nak amik daun pokok ni la.....

alamak,, tinggi tu,,, cam na nih......

ok,,, amik yg ni la,,,, (((( mmg nak amik yg ni pown,,, :)))))))
slpas itu daun2 pun dibawa balik...

taraaa,,,, nilah hasilnya pentas ni dgn fresh flowers nya..... yg tenggek tu model pentas ye tuan2 dan puan,,,,,
macam ni la setiap kali melibatkan hiasan pentas cikgu2 akan ke hutan mencari daun2 hutan yg cantik2 tu,,,, ni semua atas inisiatif cikgu azmi yang mmg minat hiasan2,,, kalu tgk umah dia mmg dia dan wife suka hias umah,,, cantik uols,,,,
ps: masa kat skcb dulu kami  guna bunga spastik jer,,,,, boleh use n reuse gitew,,, :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

am in 2nd semester,,,,,,,

yesterday was my 2nd sem  first class,,,, a bit of mix feeling,,,,, Ya Allah,,,, robbi yassir wa la tuassir....
may the journey throughout this year be smooth, steady and marvellous one,,,, i am  for 4 flat again this sem,,, i.allah.... NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE , IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING,,,,

at 6 49 pm,,, d view is just osem.....

happy faces to start a new sem

i've got loads of these view n yet with different view..:)

may this spectacular view will accompany our spectacular 'journey' peace.....


Monday, February 20, 2012

FM baru,,,,,,,

thanks 2 kgkwn yg bagi nih esp,,, my dear sister.... u know ur kak long's passion,,,,, tq kakak

fm tasik beris,,,,, masa 2010 pi tak dak lg nih fm ,,, la ni dah ada,,, baguih2

ni anis bagi,,,, dulu aku penah pi labuan 2003 pi cni la,,,, financial park,,,,, tp masa tu x collect FM lg,,, ^_^

i rembat kt umah abg cat hihihi ,,, masa pi kl 15 jan 2012 ari tu

ini my pren bg ,,, che ku tq aaaa

cikgu linda bg,,, thanx

cikgu azmi bg,,,, thanx aaaa ( w/pun FM cameron dah byk,,,, tp org bg aku suker jer ))))

PS: ada sapa2 nak bg Fm sila la yer,,,, jgn malu2.....
nex fm will be dubai, jordan n siem reap.......
tp siem reap tu bulan 6 nanti la,,,,,

Sunday, February 19, 2012

kamil yang ceria

bila tgk Kamil,,,, tersedar betapa besarnya pengorbanan seorg bapa..
setiap kali dtg tusyn ayah kamil akan angkat dia,,, letak atas wheelchair,,,,,,kamil tk boleh jln,,,,,
tp Kamil ttp ceria,,,,, peace,,,,,,,

eh eh,,, teacher pun nak show muka jugak..... :)